Statutory guidance for school governing bodies on school uniform and appearance policies


10 July 2019


Kirsty Williams AM, Minister for Education


In November 2018 I published a consultation to seek views on the Welsh Government’s draft statutory guidance for school governing bodies on school uniform and appearance policies. The summary of responses was published on 10 June 2019.

I would like to thank all those who contributed to the consultation for their views. The responses received covered a range of issues and there were some clear areas of consensus.

I am today pleased to publish the new statutory guidance for school governing bodies on school uniform and appearance policies.

The statutory guidance which will come into force from 1 September 2019 provides advice for governing bodies and head teachers on issues relating to developing, implementing or changing a school uniform and appearance policy.

A school’s uniform and appearance policy will remain the responsibility of the governing body, and I strongly encourage schools to have one in place as it has many benefits.

Schools must have regard to the Welsh Government’s statutory guidance when considering their school uniform and appearance policies.  As the guidance sets out, I expect governing bodies to consider equality issues, the wide availability of uniform garments and cost implications to families and to consult widely with parents, pupils and other groups. The guidance has also been revised to include the most up to date information on a range of issues including the financial assistance available for families to assist with the purchase of uniforms.